Digital resilience nearby
Consumers and business customers demand reliable and available services. Entrepreneurs are responding to this by digitizing and are therefore becoming increasingly dependent on digital solutions. Controlling the reliability and availability thereof requires the right, but scarce specialist knowledge and skills.
Consumers and business customers are looking for a foundation on which to base their confidence in these digital solutions. This opportunity requires entrepreneurs to visibly work on trust. Reliable and available services, including their digital resilience, are indispensable. For many entrepreneurs, accessible knowledge and skills are not within reach. In addition, the state of digital resilience is difficult for entrepreneurs to estimate and is therefore often underestimated until it happens to them.
CYRA solves this issue by providing self-assessment as an independent certification for digital resilience. CYRA is a growth model that can serve as a guideline from the first steps in digital resilience to the near recognized ISO 27001 certification. CYRA is available as standard for every entrepreneur in the Netherlands. With this, CYRA promotes the strengthening of the digital resilience of entrepreneurs and of the chains of which they are part. As a model, CYRA is suitable for implementing legislation and regulations that require the elaboration of adequate technical and organizational measures, such as GDPR and NIS2. CYRA is the result of the collaboration of various partners. Together they have shown that CYRA works. Connection and support are essential in order to arrive at a uniform approach. Together with sectors, branches and regions, the standard CYRA® tooling is made relevant for specific groups of entrepreneurs.
This brings digital resilience closer.
CYRA was developed by Cyber Resilience Center Brainport in collaboration with the business community Ferm Rotterdam, MKB Cyber Campus and TÜV NORD Netherlands.