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Your route to digitally resilient business

CYRA makes digital resilience accessible to entrepreneurs. It is the new standard that helps you to become digitally resilient. With our self-assessment and certification you grow to a demonstrably higher level of digital resilience. Important for yourself, your colleagues and your customers. CYRA works with industries and sectors to create tools that match your business. This is how we bring digital resilience closer. Discover your route to digital resilience and start with the self-assessment.

Get CYRA certified

Get started on your digital resilience

CYRA stands for “CYberRAting”. A tool to map digital resilience of companies and to get started with improvements. The CYRA certification model consists of four programs.

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The CYRA certificate is the basis for safe digital business

  • suitable if ISO 27001 is not necessary or not achievable
  • gives smaller companies perspective and tools in realizing digital resilience
  • contributes to transparency chain partners

Bring digital resilience closer.

CYRA is a (growth) model that can serve as a guideline from the first steps  in digital resilience to the near recognized ISO 27001 certification. CYRA is available as standard for every entrepreneur in the Netherlands.

As a model, CYRA is suitable for implementing legislation and regulations that require the elaboration of adequate technical and organizational measures, such as GDPR and NIS2.


Ga naar het self assesment en krijg snel inzicht in jouw digitale weerbaarheid

De eerste stap naar digitale weerbaarheid is inzicht. Als je weet waar het goed gaat en waar het beter kan, weet je ook welke stappen je kunt zetten. Met het self assessment van CYRA krijg je dit inzicht en zet je de eerste stap naar een aantoonbaar digitaal weerbare onderneming. Als je de vragenlijst invult, zie je direct waar je staat en welke stappen je nog moet zetten. Klik hieronder op de button om naar het self assessment te gaan.

Lees de verhalen

Cyber security: Cooperation between CCV and Cyra
Evelien Bras
Cyber security: Cooperation between CCV and Cyra Evelien Bras, board member of the Cyra Foundation

National standard

Provide support to small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs) entrepreneurs for growth towards a digital resilient organization, and at the same time give them the opportunity to certify their level of information security, step by step up to ISO 27001.

With that goal, Patrick van den Brink of the Center for Crime Prevention and Safety (the CCV) and Evelien Bras of Stichting Cyra today a cooperation agreement. Cyra and the CCV together want to bring the criteria and method of Cyber’s security of companies to an open national standard and place the management of the proven Cyra approach to the CCV.

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Paul van Nunen
Paul van Nunen Directeur Cyber Weerbaarheidscentrum Brainport

Need for concrete tool to increase cyber resilience

At Cyber Weerbaarheidscentrum Brainport affiliated High Tech Making companies needed a concrete tool to increase the cyber resilience of their company and their suppliers.

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Cyber security: Cooperation between CCV and Cyra

Provide support to small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs) entrepreneurs for growth towards a digital resilient organization, and at the same time give them the opportunity to certify their level of information security, step by step up to ISO 27001.

With that goal, Patrick van den Brink of the Center for Crime Prevention and Safety (the CCV) and Evelien Bras of Stichting Cyra today a cooperation agreement. Cyra and the CCV together want to bring the criteria and method of Cyber’s security of companies to an open national standard and place the management of the proven Cyra approach to the CCV.

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Every step is meaningful

“Basic Certificate”

Securing your data is of great value to any business. This importance increases as customers start to inquire about how you have it managed. While you can certainly explain, it’s even better if you can objectively demonstrate it. With this consideration in mind, a Cyber Resilience Center Brainport participant with approximately 85 full-time employees has seriously embarked on with the goal of achieving the Basic Certificate. And they succeeded.


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Convince yourself

“Met CYRA kan iedereen achterhalen wat er moet gebeuren om echt cyberweerbaar te zijn. Het schept vertrouwen als een toeleverancier een CYRA-certificaat kan tonen en dat scheelt inkoopafdelingen weer werk.”

Paul van Nunen, Directeur Cyber Weerbaarheidscentrum Brainport

“CYRA is dé standaard voor informatie- en privacy maatregelen, voorsorterend op een eventuele ISO 27001 certificering.”

Vincent schijven, TÜV NORD Nederland

“CYRA staat voor "CYberRAting”

CYRA staat voor "CYberRAting

“CYRA is uitermate geschikt voor bedrijven die onder de NIS-2 gaan vallen en ‘iets’ met hun toeleveranciers moeten of willen. Door een bepaald niveau van certificaat te vragen aan de bedrijven waarmee je zaken doet, krijg je wél de bevestiging dat je partners hun cyberweerbaarheid op (een) niveau hebben. Zonder dat je daar inhoudelijk bij betrokken moet zijn - en daarmee wellicht wel een verant woordelijkheid in krijgt.”

Evelien Bras, directeur bestuurder stichting FERM

“De route naar digitaal weerbaar ondernemen kent 7 stappen. Zet vandaag nog de eerste stap.”

Erik Miedema, Directeur MKB Cyber Campus

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